Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thing #1

Habit 1 (beginning with the end in mind) is something that is fairly easy for me to do. I think of myself as very logical and I tend to have a reason for the things that I do. I pick up a new interest because I have an end goal and a reason for learning about it. It's rare that i will take interest in something if I can't see at least some kind of lasting benefit.

However, Habit 6 (use technology to your advantage) is something I fight against. I am a creature of habit and tend to stick with what i know. I usually only find a new way of doing something when it's required, or my old path has been eliminated. I also don't always look for the newest ways of doing something because of how fast technology changes. I don't have time to keep up. I also enjoy staying behind the cost curve and buying products when they are still recent, but the initial appeal has gone down, and so has the price.


  1. I chose to comment on your post because your hardest and easiest habits were the same as mine.It's hard to keep up with technology. I am 40, came back to school late, and feel very behind in that regard. My students are going to know more than I do on computers. But, that why we're here.

  2. I am with you and Wendy. My easiest and hardest habits are the same as yours. Habit 1: I agree, it seems to just come naturally and it makes sense. Habit 6, the technology piece of the puzzle. I smiled when I read "I usually only find a new way of doing something when it's required, or my old path has been eliminated." I find myself operating that way as well. Very nicely put...
